Install mysql-server and mysql-client using the command for example in ubuntu sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client, this will prompt for admin password, provide the password and remember the password.
logging into the mysql shell for id “root” and password “password"
mysql -u root -ppassword
To list the available databases
> show databases;
To create database
> create database if not exists django_tut;
Selecting database
> use django_tut
To delete database
> drop database if exists django_tut;
To list down all the tables in the database
> Show Tables;
Creating a table
> create table if not exists ex_table( p_id INT, P_code varchar 20)
verifying the table
>describe ex_table;
deleting the table “ex_table1"
> drop table if exists ex_table1;
Inserting a records in the table ex_table
> insert into ex_table value (100, “hundred”)
> insert into ex_table value (200, “two hundred”)
Inserting a records in the table ex_table1
> insert into ex_table value (100, “hundred”)
> insert into ex_table value (300, “three hundred”)
Updating a record
>update ex_table set p_code="HUNDRED" where p_id=100
Querying the table
> select * from ex_table;
Querying for a particular column in the table
> select p_id from ex_table;
Querying based on condition
> select p_id from ex_table where p_id =100;
Alter table adding a column in the table
> alter table ex_table add column p_description varchar(50);
>describe table;
Joining a table
> select * from ex_table join ex_table1 on ex_table.p_id = ex_table1.p_id;
taking backup (below command prompt for password)
$mysqldump -u root -p —databases django_tut > ~/django_tut_bkup.sql
restoring backup(below command prompt for password)
$mysql -u root -p django_tut < ~/django_tut_bkup.sql
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